What would life be without friends. This page is dedicated to friends who have encouraged me along the way in starting this page in the first place. Without whom this site would never have got off the ground.
Click on any of the shields and awards below to link to some of my special sites.
Thanks Sandi, my special friend and mentor.
Winds of Friendship
You dear friend, are like the chinook winds
that come sailing down from the
mountain tops.
You blast aside cold negativity
with your honest warmth.
I've watched as you've
reached out to others,
in pain and sorrow
Comforting them
easing their grief
with your tenderness.
Providing an ear
to listen not judge
their feelings.
You are dear friend
like the chinook winds.
Warming all you caress,
with your vitality.
Pushing away
the numbing hurt
that life can place
before us all
with just a touch.
Poem by Linda C. Reitz
Thanks Chenae and my Wolf Friends at Wildlife Guardians
Kindred Spirit
The wolf...A man...
What's in a name
It's all the same
Look into their eyes
Hear their cries
See what they see
Feel what they feel
Think what they think
Are we that uncaring
So aggressive and daring
Social that we are
They are more within their clan
With no natural enemies
Except for Man
A kinship to us
It's evident to see
So why do we destroy them
It's way beyond me
With love of it's family
And survival from nature
It's the only thing they ask
We seem to put them to a task
Killing them from their natural land
All for the sake of some medival plan
The thought of this seems oh so wrong
A simple creature that survived for so long
It's not so hard to give this a thought
The beast we marred, and intentionally sought
To make them extinct is not what they bought
In reality it's ourselves, our fears and misconception
Soon there will be none left for a resurrection
It's only us that will suffer in the end
After all they are only our brethren
So I ask you again
Look into their eyes
Awaiting there is a surprise
A kind and gentle spirit
with the instincts to survive
A sense of family devotion and pride
Something that we should have inside
Again I ask you
Look, take a good look
Lessons from the Elders book
They see it all so clear
The soul of the wolf
One they hold so dear
Finally I Ask
Look them in their eye
Why make them cry
Author Unknown